Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hey hey hey! Well summer and crocheting are taking over me! But that's a great thing!! Well, kinda. Crocheting is great!! I've had a ton of minion orders that I've been working on, and I've been using any spare time I have to get those done. Guess what? They are done! I've been getting (or pining) some ideas on what to make for a craft fair (coming up in nov) so that will be taking over my next round of free time. 

Food. I had a few slip ups since the fourth. Well, slip ups is not the right term, since I don't know what it is I'm exactly slipping up from. Maybe it's the idea on my head that paleo is all or nothing? I know some people are hardcore and view it that way, is this where the "80/20" comes into play? I love to bake, and I have been putting it off since I don't care for paleo baking. See, I'm good at cooking, grilling, and baking, but have found I'm not good at paleo baking. Something with the texture. Yesterday I made macaroons. They are gluten free, yay! I used coconut sugar instead of regular white sugar, yay! But the powder sugar.. Yeah. I haven't attempted to make a paleo substitute yet. I want to try though! But back to the macaroons. It was my first time. I've always been intimidated by them. I freaking rocked them so hard, my husband, kids, and BFF all swear they were the best. Like better then the ones *I* love from a bakery here. Today, I'm making more. I'm experimenting with flavor. Yesterday we had plain vanilla. Today will be coconut, and possibly another flavor. 

Point here.. I'm still rocking paleo for my meals, but now baking macaroons. 

Don't mind the buttercream (grass-fed!) 
On my thumb. ;)

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