Monday, June 3, 2013


Aloha! I'll start by saying a few disclaimers. Yeah, boring I know! 
* I'm not a blogger, writer, writing person, so bare with me. I write how I talk, and I'm sarcastic. 
* I am not doing this for weight loss. But if it happens, then hey! That's great! 
* I have done a whole30 ( for more info) before and on day 23, I realized the tuna in my mouth had soy in it. So.. Redo! 
* I don't crossfit, I hardly workout, if I do, I walk/jog, hike, and attempt to do sit-ups. 
* opinions are mine, and might include some friends as well! 

So that's that!! Now a tad about me and why I am doing this whole30 again, and why I am starting this blog. 

I am a mother of two, ages 8 and 4, been married for almost 10 years. We have lived in Hawaii for three years and love it here! I am a stay at home mom (sahm) and my youngest (Bear, not her real name, but some may think it is!) is starting Kindergarten, and my son starts 3rd grade this fall.. Hold me. I am very involved with the school. I eat fairly well, but I have these insane stomach pains and can't seem to narrow down what the cause is, but I am gallbladder-less (3 years ago it was removed) and pains came on before, and after removal. But when I was doing my last whole30, they went away!! Something must have worked! Since being off whole30 and eating some unhealthy items, my stomach is starting again. I can't live like that. So reworking the "diet" it is. 

Some people wonder if the whole family is doing it too, we'll yes, for the most part. I don't force them to eat it, but they also don't complain. If they want a sandwich when we are not home, they can have a sandwich. Pretty sure we will be going full paleo when this 30 days is up. 

Oh! And the main reason I started the blog? Because I was posting on other social media and people liked what I was doing, but some didn't care for my posts. I am containing it to here, and will create an IG (Instagram) account for here as well. I have a few friends starting their first whole30 with me, hopefully they will let me pick their brains.. Not to eat silly. 

So there you have it! Let the (non hunger) games begin! 


  1. So excited that you have started blogging! You have been an inspiration for many, including myself! Can't wait to learn from you! ;)

  2. Oh girl! I'll be picking your brain and you know it!!
