Thursday, June 13, 2013


Waaaa. Headache at its finest right now. Gonna make this short and sweet and probably not add food pics. Shocked? I know right?? 

So it's summer. Yeah, we got that. What do typical family's do on summer vacation? If you said camping you win a virtual high five! I just got done making the reservations. Maybe that's why my head hurts? Could be. We have never been camping since having kids. Shocker. We used to desert camp all the time when we had dirt bikes, I have a strong feeling this will be different. 

Now I need food advice. Bestie is going too and we will be on day 26. Soooo close to the end of Whole30. So we need camping whole30 ideas. 

Oh! Day11. Swear I had a ton of energy today, hardly touched my coffee, and worked out. By work out I mean 1.5 mile run and some kettlebell stuff. I think my kettlebell is too light. I didn't feel like it did much. Then again I started low. *ahem* 5lbs*ahem* 

Head killing. Nighty night! 

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